We’ve been busy, come take a look

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We’re proud to work with a variety of incredible charities and early-stage start-ups. Here’s just a taste of some of our ongoing programmes and projects.

  • HeadX has developed the first fully flexible wearable for brain health monitoring, which provides real-time data to identify brain trauma risk. We are working with founders Richard Wheatley and Nick Dill to define the HeadX story and GTM strategy to attract Seed investment.

    Defining the narrative: While the HeadX concept originated in grassroots sport, its product applications extend significantly further and the start-up narrative needed to better reflect its huge potential. We supported Richard and Nick in framing the HeadX story within the much wider brain health monitoring industry, re-working the narrative to better showcase the exciting potential to prospective investors. We advised on a revised Go-To-Market strategy, with associated marketing budgets.

    Preparing for pitch: We helped translate the revised narrative to the HeadX pitch deck, using our experience of the Seed investment process to make sure each slide told the right story at the right time. We ran a session with Richard to help him prepare to pitch to investors at the prestigious Silicon Gorge investment day, including honing his pitch script and preparing answers to potentially challenging investor questions.

  • Many Minds is a mental health and performance charity, supporting those with mental ill health through creative theatre workshops and live performances. After a challenging 2023, the charity recognised they needed to expand their fundraising beyond grants and foundations to obtain not only vital funds but other valuable resources including performance space.

    Developing a partnership proposal

    We advised Many Minds to explore the world of corporate partnerships. Working closely with co-founder Olivia Ware, we first defined the charity’s offering for prospective corporate partners. Understanding the charity’s needs, we framed the proposition as an impactful partnership which went beyond a financial ask and offered compelling benefits to both parties, incorporating elements such as mentoring opportunities for the charity’s members, performance space and the provision of creative mental wellbeing workshops for the corporate team. We transformed this offering into a fully designed partnership proposal.

    Putting Many Minds on partner radars

    After working with Olivia to define a list of prospective partners within the creative industry who shared the charity’s vision and values, we reached out to those in our networks to start the conversation. We also looked to raise the profile of Many Minds among prospective partners by setting up a free Many Minds workshop for members of the Bristol Creative Industries network.

  • Mental health charities are experiencing a surge in demand amid challenging fundraising circumstances. Raising the profile of the charities among the communities in which they operate is vital to increase awareness of their work, reach new audiences and extend their reach. Working in partnership with The Bristol Magazine, we developed and wrote a feature which highlighted the work of The Harbour, Many Minds, Changes Bristol and 91 Ways. The piece drew attention to the services provided by the charities and the stories of those who benefitted, and included links to fundraising campaigns for readers to donate.